
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

REVIEW: The Eternals (MCU Film)

"The Eternals," directed by Chloé Zhao, is a visually stunning and ambitious addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film follows a group of immortal beings known as the Eternals who have been living on Earth for thousands of years, secretly shaping human history and protecting humanity from their ancient enemies, the Deviants.

One of the film's greatest strengths lies in its diverse and talented cast, featuring Gemma Chan, Richard Madden, Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, and others. Each actor brings depth and complexity to their respective characters, portraying the struggles and conflicts faced by immortal beings tasked with guiding and protecting humanity.

The film's storytelling is ambitious, spanning thousands of years and multiple locations around the globe. Director Chloé Zhao expertly weaves together themes of identity, purpose, and sacrifice, exploring what it means to be human through the eyes of immortal beings.

Visually, "The Eternals" is breathtaking, with stunning cinematography and special effects that bring the cosmic scope of the story to life. From ancient civilizations to futuristic landscapes, the film transports audiences to new and exotic worlds, creating a sense of wonder and awe.


However, "The Eternals" does suffer from some pacing issues, particularly in the first act, as it introduces a large ensemble cast and establishes the mythology of the Eternals and their role in human history. Additionally, some viewers may find the film's nonlinear storytelling and dense mythology to be overwhelming at times. Some viewers and critics pointed out several potential plot holes or inconsistencies within the film. Here are a few examples:

The central plot of the film revolves around the Celestials using the Eternals to protect humanity until they reach a certain population threshold, at which point the Celestial Tiamut will emerge and consume the planet to create new Celestials. However, some viewers questioned why the Celestials would need to wait for humans to reach a certain population size before consuming the planet, especially considering the potential risks involved in allowing humanity to advance technologically.

Throughout the film, the Eternals debate whether or not to intervene in human conflicts and disasters, adhering to their directive to not interfere with human affairs unless facing a Deviant threat. However, this raises questions about why the Eternals wouldn't intervene to prevent atrocities such as wars, genocides, or natural disasters, especially if they have the power to do so.

The film establishes that the Eternals' memories are periodically wiped by their creators, the Celestials, to prevent them from questioning their purpose. However, some viewers questioned why the Celestials would allow the Eternals to retain any memories at all, especially if those memories could potentially lead them to question their role or rebel against their creators.

Sersi's ability to manipulate matter and transform objects is central to the plot of the film. However, some viewers noted inconsistencies in the portrayal of her powers, particularly regarding the limitations and rules governing their use. For example, it's unclear why Sersi's powers seem to have no effect on living organisms, despite her being able to transform inanimate objects with ease.

The film introduces the Deviants as ancient enemies of the Eternals, created by the Celestials to hunt and kill humans. However, some viewers felt that the motivations and origins of the Deviants were underdeveloped, leaving unanswered questions about their role in the larger narrative.

These are just a few examples of potential plot holes or inconsistencies that some viewers have identified in "The Eternals." While the film received generally positive reviews, its complex mythology and ambitious storytelling may leave some audiences questioning certain aspects of the plot.


"The Eternals" movie diverges in several ways from the comic book characters and their original storylines. In the movie, some characters undergo changes in personality, backstory, or abilities compared to their comic book counterparts. For example, Ikaris, portrayed by Richard Madden, is depicted as the leader of the Eternals in the film, whereas in the comics, other characters like Zuras or Thena have taken leadership roles at various points. Additionally, some characters in the movie have altered power sets or abilities compared to their comic book counterparts. For instance, Sprite's abilities in the movie are more focused on illusion and manipulation, while in the comics, Sprite possesses reality-warping powers.

The movie introduces new relationships and dynamics between characters that may differ from the comics. For example, the romantic relationship between Sersi (Gemma Chan) and Ikaris (Richard Madden) is central to the movie's plot, while in the comics, Sersi has had romantic entanglements with other characters like the Black Knight. Additionally, the familial relationships among the Eternals are explored differently in the movie compared to the comics. The film delves into the connections between characters like Thena (Angelina Jolie) and Gilgamesh (Don Lee), which may not mirror their relationships in the comics.

The movie's plot diverges significantly from the comic book storylines, incorporating elements of Marvel lore while also introducing new concepts and conflicts. While both the movie and the comics explore themes of immortality, purpose, and cosmic duty, they do so in different narrative contexts. The film introduces the concept of the Emergence, where the Celestial Tiamut will emerge from Earth after reaching a certain population threshold, which is not a storyline directly lifted from the comics. However, the movie does draw inspiration from the original Jack Kirby comics in its portrayal of the Eternals' origins and their connections to the Celestials.

The visual depiction of characters and their costumes in the movie may differ from their comic book counterparts. While the film maintains the iconic designs of characters like Ikaris and Thena, there may be differences in costume details or visual aesthetics to adapt the characters to the big screen.

"The Eternals" introduces new cosmic elements to the MCU, including the Celestials, Deviants, and the origins of humanity. This expansion of cosmic lore opens up opportunities for future storytelling, including potential crossovers with other cosmic entities like the Guardians of the Galaxy or cosmic threats like Galactus.

The film introduces a diverse cast of characters with unique abilities and personalities. Characters like Sersi, Ikaris, Thena, and Sprite could become integral parts of future MCU projects, either as members of superhero teams or in standalone adventures.

"The Eternals" features a diverse ensemble cast, including actors from various racial and cultural backgrounds. The film's emphasis on diversity and representation aligns with Marvel Studios' commitment to inclusivity and reflects the diversity of the real world.

The Eternals have been secretly influencing human history for thousands of years, shaping civilizations and guiding humanity's development. The revelation of their existence and their role in human history could have far-reaching implications for the MCU, including potential retcons or reinterpretations of historical events.

The film sets up several potential storylines and conflicts for future MCU projects. The emergence of Tiamut and the threat posed by the Celestials could lead to new challenges for Earth's heroes, while the Deviants could return as recurring antagonists in future films.

 "The Eternals" explores themes of identity, purpose, and sacrifice, providing opportunities for deeper exploration of these themes in future MCU projects. Characters grappling with their immortality, their responsibilities, and their relationships with humanity could provide rich storytelling material for future films and series.

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